American Realness

keyon gaskin

its not a thing

April 7 & 8, Centre national de la danse, Pantin, France

keyon gaskin prefers not to contextualize their performances with their credentials.

keyon gaskin préfère ne pas contextualiser ses performances par us texte de présentation ou des références biographieques.

Photo by Ian Douglas & Robert Duncan Gray

Created and Performed by keyon gaskin

keyon gaskin prefers not to contextualize their performances with their credentials.

“They were waiting for closure, but the man didn’t deliver. It should have been expected – it’s not a thing, remember? But no matter how hard Keyon Gaskin tries to make his performance not a thing, “its not a thing” is somehow the most captivating thing in town. The only remaining question is what exactly “its not a thing” is.” -Jamie Hale, The Oregonian

“Gaskin holds together a deliriously bizarre persona, swinging wildly from demanding action on the part of the audience to desperately pleading for it, from posturing bravado to shaking vulnerability, and from slapstick to self-harm.”
- Thomas Ross, The Portland Mercury