Gillian Walsh
Moon Fate Sin
Due to complications with our presenting partner we are unable to present Gillian Walsh’s Moon Fate Sin and unfortunately have to cancel the engagement. For more information about Moon Fate Sin and the work of Gillian Walsh please contact AmericanRealness(@)
Moon Fate Sin is a book, a dance, and a tape.
The audience encounters a slow dark mass as they enter a room filled with fog. The fog lifts and the dance is revealed, specters moving in glacial time. Emptiness is the material being investigated: a visitation of thought and presence experienced in a timeless landscape. What we don’t see feels as strong as what we do.
In times of global crisis, we see a turn toward mysticism. Moon Fate Sin ponders the pursuit of dance as a suicidal tendency – where do the death drive and the transcendence drive meet in dance? Walsh and collaborators encounter the intangible and immaterial and reckon with embodied doom and escapism.